This page will be used for news and information concerning the upcoming Field Day operation on June 25th & 26th. This will be a joint operation by the SDXA and Panoramaland Amateur Radio Club of Colville. Lynn (N2HS) and Becky (KC7VWI) has kindly given us permission to use their airstrip area on their property for the operation. This is turning out to look like a fun multiple operation event and we hope you can make it!
Field Day Update #1
Governor Proclamation Of Amateur Radio Week
Field Day Update #2
The joint SDXA and Panoramaland Field Day has its planning well under way.
Field Day 2011 will be at in the vicinity of 2716 Moser Road in Chewelah – the home of Lynn – N2HS & Becky – KC7VWI.
We will actually be sited about a 100 feet lower in elevation on Lynn’s Airstrip. This is a really nice flat piece of ground and has some facilities. We have access to power and also there are tree’s on the edge of the site for hanging dipoles.
Here are the essential details that we have worked out so far.
Colville bringing:
12 x 20 tent
10 Gallons of Gas (this may be increased to 20 gallons.)
3 Tables
SDXA bringing:
1 HF Radio – SDXA Icom 761
2 Computers – SDXA Equipment
1 VHF Radio to be discussed at June 2nd meeting. Might be looking for someone that has 6/2 meter radio
Supplying Porta-Poty (paid for by SDXA and ordered).
Plan is to run 1 HF Station and 1 VHF station. We will be having a Potluck. Dinner will be at 16:00 on Saturday and the only “planned” meal. Each individual is requested to bring a dish for the group.
SDXA is supplying all antennas. We will have a tribander, 40/80 wires which have recently been donated to the SDXA Field Day collection, verticals, and other wire antennas in the SDXA collection. Two towers are already installed on the site at 20′ which Lynn, Wayne and Jay are using for 6 meter antenna construction project. You will see the final version of the SDXA team Belchfire Six antenna.
Talk-in frequency will be 146.62 after leaving the vicinity and coverage range of the SDXA repeater.
We will all need to bring a chair to sit in as we hope to have a number of Field Day discussions which will be small groups talking about things such as Wilse WX7P and Satellite Radio, Wayne WA1PMA on Balun testing. Lynn N2HS on 6 meter antenna project. Jay WS7I on RTTY contest preparation and Strategy. If you want to add your name to the list it would be great. This are NOT formal presentations but the old fashion “bull” sessions that we all love.
I suspect we can get Randy TQ to give us some pointers on QRP operations/contesting.
If you have suggestions get them to either myself or Wayne WA1PMA, Jim KE7WDD is the Panoramaland POC.
We will be using with the permission of the SDXA trustee K7OX our K7SDX callsign for the operation on both frequencies.
Field Day is on June 25th starting at 1800Z and going to Sunday at 1800Z. As we will have things in the air prior to this time we will operate the 24 straight. Setup will NOT start until Saturday around 8:00 or a bit later for the folks from Spokane.
This oughta be fun and it will be very nice to have a Field Day with our neighbors and friends (many of which are SDXA members) to the North. This is meant to be a social event and someone needs to bring marshmallows for the camp fire.
Power is available for SUV’s etc. at the site but we will operate the generators for the radio.
Jay WS7I
Field Day Update #3
Detailed written directions to Field Day site:
From the South:
Go North on HWY 395 42 miles from the Division Y (yes, I know that seems like a round the world trip to some but it takes less time than going from the Y to the South Hill!)
There is one stop light in Chewelah – continue north for about 6 blocks
Take the FIRST right turn (east) AFTER the city park (Cozy Nook Rd)
Cozy Nook immediately curves north. Stay on Cozy Nook for 2.8 miles – you will come to a Tee
Turn right (east) on High Line Rd – High Line curves north – east -north -east – north
Stay on High Line for 1.1 mile – there will be a gravel pit on the left
Turn right on Moser Rd (across from the gravel pit)
Go about 200 yards, you will see a red fire station on the left
Turn left just past the fire station at 2716 Moser Rd – I have the ONLY driveway on Moser Rd. Driveway is a fair grade but I’ve had dozens of trailers and RV’s make it up with no problem. Pickups with trailers are advised to use 4WD if it’s a big one just to prevent slipping the rear wheels on the gravel but not required.

Field Day Map 2011
Lynn Miner
2716 Moser Rd
Chewelah, WA
Field Day Update #4
Looks like from 12 to 15 SDXA members will be coming to Field Day. Quite a few with RV’s.
Current plan continues to start on Saturday morning around 8:00 AM. With people arriving due to drive times as it works out.
Potluck at 16:00 please everyone make sure you are bringing a dish for the group. If you don’t wish to partake then that is fine.
Thanks to Steve K7AWB for giving the rules a complete look over the towers that we have been using for the 6 meter project will be taken down prior to Friday and then we will put them back up again.
Current plans are to have two stations on HF and the free extra VHF station. We will be going 2A, and using the callsign K7SDX. K7OX has appointed WS7I as the on-site control operator and he will be assisted by Wayne WA1PMA. Wilse will also be assisted on ensure that operations are in order.
We will be using computers for logging and will have training also available if you are not familar in how-to’s. Three computers will be used and the two HF computers will be networked. Wayne WA1PMA will be transporting computers and radios to Lynn’s on this Monday I believe. There are headsets, footswitches and two Icom 761 radios. Steve K7AWB is supplying his Icom 706 for VHF/6 Meter use.
Current plans are to have the VHF station slightly separated from the main tent as the coax length is more critical on that QRG, but we will see how it all shakes out.
Porta-poty has been ordered. We will have A/C power on site for non-operational usage. Looks like the bugs might be thick with all this rain. So bring bug-repellant.
We are working through the rules for the bonus things and have some being taken care of by one of the members. If you see something you want to do let Jim or myself know. Alternate power might be interesting and I know K7TQ has done that in the past, but there might be others.
Power class will be <150 watts. all on generator. Publicity will be done as well as invites/visits.
If you have ideas, drop either Jim or myself a line. This should be fun and in the long tradition of Ham Radio Field Day operating events.
Jay WS7I
Field Day Update #5
All card checking to be done during Field Day. See http://www.ewarg.org for info.
Jay WS7I
Field Day Update #6
Gary K7GS and Dan N5AR are working on getting the other vertical to Field Day. Gary will evidently be getting it and then we will need to reassemble it the morning of Field Day.
Main Setup starts at 0800 on Field Day.
I have appointed Wilse WX7P to be the HF Station coordinator. Wilse a very experienced old Field Day operator and who just recently attended Contest University during Dayton 2011 will be in charge of scheduling the two HF stations.
The current plan is to have a 3 element Yagi (thanks WA1PMA) and a 40/80 doubled on one station and the big 80-10 vertical on the other station (this antenna requires no radials).
WS7I will be in charge of the VHF station and noted VHF contester Steve K7AWB as well as noted VHF rover K7HPT will both be available for demonstrations, chats, and filling you in on strategy. No doubt N7CKJ will also be there as he is also a noted Hill Topper and does a lot of VHF contesting.
Dan N5AR is bringing (probably in Gary K7GS’s rig) a Solar Panel system so we can grab those points.
Becky is doing some public releases and evidently a table, but I haven’t seen her for a week or so will confirm that.
Six meters and 2 meters will be provided by K7AWB as he is bringing his Icom 706. We will be using the currently under development 3-element “BelchFire” LFA Yagi.
I will have a 2/440 vertical with coax.
Gary K7OX isn’t sure if he will be able to make it yet or not, but has appointed WS7I to be the control operator for the callsign K7SDX and WA1PMA to be the chief backup Control operator. We will also have Wilse WX7P as a control operator.
We will need someone to copy the W1AW message as well as to send traffic so we need the experienced or semi-experienced traffic handler to step up and volunteer.
Hopefully John K7KB is in charge of the Food List and we should see some more postings on the reflector.
Those bringing motor homes, trailers, campers please let me know via private email so we can let Lynn N2HS know what to expect.
This looks to be a fun time for all.
Jay WS7I
Field Day Update #7
Thanks to Gary K7GS and Dan N5AR the big Vertical has arrived at Lynn’s Airstrip. All the plans have been completed. Here is a list of things that will need to be done on Saturday morning.
1. The towers will need to be raised again. They are currently in short pieces of 20′ which can be man handled.
2. The 80/40 wire will need to be sent into the tree’s on the edge of the area. Wayne WA1PMA and his trusty bow will be on site by late Friday afternoon in his huge motor home if he can actually drive it up there!
3. The big PARC tent is on site but will need to be erected
4. The above mentioned Vertical will need to be put together and sited. I have it on good authority that Jay WA0WWW is an expect on this type of antenna and it has been used at Dan’s for some time I guess.
5. The generator and coax and stuff will need to be gotten from the “Bird Barn” at Lynn’s house and taken to the site.
6. The “Fire Ring” site has been selected but the rocks and area will have to be constructed.
7. Wayne WA1PMA will be putting together his Triband TET which will be used on one station. Plan is for Station A to have that antenna for 20-15-10 and the wires for 40 and 80. Station B will have the Vertical for 80-10.
8. VHF 6 meter beam will have to be put on a mast with my 2/440 antenna mounted above it. There is only one tower that has a rotor and the current idea is to have the rotor on the HF Tribander. There is enough length to reach the “main” tent. The VHF due to coax run will be in a separate tent about 80 feet from the other tent.
9. All sites have been selected and will be mown by Lynn with Jim’s (soon to be WW7DD) assistance on Thursday. There is a lot of access and a very large area has been selected for RV parking.
The hanger building is not open and will not be used.
Computers and radio’s are at Lynn’s and will also need to be moved on Saturday after the tents are up.
Nothing will be happening until later than 13:00 local (thanks WWW) on Friday. And not much will be done then. I think that Wilse and Wayne will both be staying over on Friday night. I will not be. Tents aren’t that comfy!
Saturday setup will start at 08:00 local and we will try to be on the air at 11:00 when the action officially gets under way.
After long discussions and a trial run with N1MM over a recent contest, we will be using the far superior but expensive WriteLog for computer logging on all computers. There will be internet available if you have a wireless laptop so you can surf from your fancy RV!
Dan N5AR has brought his Solar Charging system and we will charge a battery and make contacts using it for those Bonus points.
We have our resident publicist, Becky who has already sent out the pressers and we should have some local newspaper coverage.
We still need the traffic handler to copy and send messages, so step up and volunteer.
John is doing a bang up job with the food list so get your food updated with him ASAP!
Dale WU7X are you coming ? Kirk K7EKM we expect to see your shinny face. Gary K7OX motor out and at least say hello. George W6AEA act like a “big boy” and come for dinner before you buy that Amp. Randy K7TQ here you can’t make it, we will miss you.
If you can’t spend the night plan on at least a visit for the Saturday supper. Bring a dish eat and visit and still make it back to town before dark. Supper is at 16:00 on Saturday. Sunday visits are also welcome but we will be hitting the trail before noon if all works out.
Weather is looking mild and no rain so its looking like fun.
Jay WS7I