Congratulations to Gary. It’s been a long time since a SDXA member won our plaque. Gary barely missed the plaque last year, coming in second in the plaque’s particular category behind Gene Bye W7WMO who has won it six times in the past. Gary also had the high score for Spokane County.
Gary’s statistics:
384 QSOs
58 multipliers
60,182 points
The plaque is given to the highest score satisfying these parameters:
- Single Operator operation
- using Low Power
- Operating in the ARRL EWA Section
- Mixed mode (two or more modes [phone, CW, & digital], at least 5% of score in the smallest one)
The plaque will be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet at the Argonne Road Longhorn BBQ on December 7.
Other SDXA member and their results:

Gary K7OX: 253 QSOs, 54 multipliers, 39,016 points in the Single Operator, All band, Low Power, Mixed Mode category

Harold AD7QJ: 78 QSOs, 26 multipliers, 4,556 points in the Expedition, Single Operator, Single Transmitter, SSB mode category

Mel N7GCO: 64 QSOs, 30 multipliers, 4,340 points in the Single Operator, All Band, High Power, SSB mode category

Mark KB7HDX: 262 QSOs, 71 multipliers, 37,704 points in the Single Operator All Band, low Power, SSB category (Honorary member)

Our dynamic duo of Randy K7TQ and Jay WA0WWW came in second in the general Washington Mobile category, but took first in the Mobile CW category with 604 QSOs, 52 multipliers, and 94,724 points (activating 20 Washington counties in their trip).
SDXA took 3rd in the club scores with a total of 198,262 points only bested by the Radio Club of Redmond and the South Hill Contest Club.
The entire Salmon Run scores for all entrants are at this 2017 WWDXC Salmon Run Winners LINK
Here are the past winners of the plaque:
2003 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (84,416 points)
2004 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (131,080 points)
2005 GARY ELLIOTT K7OX, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER) (170,154 points)
2006 GARY ELLIOTT K7OX, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER) (172,800 points)
2007 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (104,140 points)
2008 WILSE MORGAN WX7P, RICE (SDXA MEMBER – SK) (124,992 points)
2009 GARY ELLIOTT K7OX, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER) (261,236 points)
2010 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (172,264 points)
2011 RICK OLSEN N6NR, TIETON (245,096 points)
2012 RICK WERNER K7UK, WALLA WALLA (77,595 points)
2013 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (132,653 points)
2014 LAMAR RAY WA7LT, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER) (160,630 points)
2015 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (52,976 points)
2016 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (97,430 points)