September 2023 SDXA Minutes
here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2023_09web
here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2023_09web
here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2023_08web
here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2023_06web
here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2023_05web
here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2023_03web
here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2023_02webb
Link to minutes — sdxa minutes_2023_01web
Below is the link to the November 2022 Club Meeting Minutes
Here is a link to the October 2022 SDXA Minutes
Here is the link to the September 2022 SDXA minutes
Here is the link to the July 2022 SDXA minutes
Here is the link to the minutes for the June 2022 meeting
The May SDXA minutes can be found with this link
Here is the link to the April 2022 minutes
Here is the link to the March minutes